The FED1 Project consisted of creating an entire website with hand-crafted HTML, CSS, and JavaScript depicting a ficticious business presence.
The Dungeon Application is a console-based app written in C# offering interactive choices and consequences battling a variety of foes.
The Storefront was a culmination of many technologies including C#, SQL Server, AJAX, & JavaScript to create a working e-commerce experience.
A wish list application built in React.js utilizing class-based components and state.
UserCSS stylesheet customizing the design of social bookmarking site,
The Scheduling Admin Tool was a pair-programming excercise in which a complete project plan was executed from an idea ... to a deployed functional application in a total of sixteen hours.
The Job Board was my chosen final project at Centriq and utilized everything learned during our training experience. C#, SQL Server, AJAX, & JavaScript worked together for an internal hiring portal.
An insurance card functional component built in React.js. Fully Responsive.